Wind Speeds in the Highlands

AnemometerLiving and working in the Highlands of Scotland we know how unpredictable the weather can be, particularly wind speeds and directions. Our terrain and proximity to the coast makes it very difficult for forecasters to accurately predict our weather on a local basis. Here at HASL we use a digital Anemometer from Netatmo to give us accurate data for us to plan our work and filming days.

Today our Anemometer ran out of batteries, surprisingly, even though it uses ultrasonic technology, just four AA batteries will last for around a year. It is really easy to replace the batteries and get the unit back up and running again. As you can see its too windy to fly today and we’ve had a good bit of rain this morning too. Part of the beauty of using the Netatmo system is it also gives you access to a network of weather stations to give you localised readings. We always have a handheld anemometer with us on site to keep an eye on the weather too!

Weather app

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