Bridge Inspections

Bridges can be particuarly difficult to properly assess the condition of in the Highlands, particuarly in remote rural areas. We recently were comissioned to take photos and videos for our client to visually assess the condition and any issues with a bridge in a particuarly difficult place to reach.

After a very scenic hike through steep woodland in Wester Ross we came across the bridge in question, where we were able to deploy one of our camera platform drones to make a visual record of the condition of the bridge and its surroundings.

All in all the job took around 1 hour to complete on the ground, followed by a couple of hours at the computer processing the information for our client, who were then able to use the data with specialitst to prepare a report. If this survey was completed in a traditional fashion it would have required a rope access team, at considerable cost and requiring far more time and planning to complete the job.

Using the UAVs to carryout this inspection was cost and time effective for our client. Contact us today to discuss your needs for any bridge inspections that you require!

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